Because our daily lives are typically filled with things to do, people to see, and jobs to be attended to, we forget about our own needs. Here at Synergy Massage we will let you indulge from head to tow with a variety of massages and services. We all know that the better you feel on the inside, the more confident and happy you will be with how you look on the outside. 

We look forward to working with you to achieve the many benefits that massage has to offer.

Services provided by

Get to Know Us

30 minutes - $50

45 minutes - $65

60 minutes - $80

​75 minutes - $95

​90 minutes - $110

Effective January 1, 2023, there will be a price increase. All massages will be customized to meet your specfic needs. The prices are based on the length of the massage not the modality. This may include but not limited to Swedish, Deep Tissue, Cranio Sacral, Cupping, and Myofacial Release. 

What We Do

Licensed Massage Therapist 

Amy Weatherman
Leslie Greene
Bradley Crotts
